Who Am I ?
By: Dr. Dionne Bates
Who am I? I am:
I who at inception was so intricately intrepid, that I married me to conceive
myself. I am:
Delicately dainty in my 20 pearls, yet dauntlessly dapper in the swagger of
my manner. Who am I? I am:
Endlessly evolving, not merely in my existence, but living fully the reality
of my actuality. I am:
Nascent in my nomenclature, as I am:
Tripartite of the tie between Grover and Harriet and the tribal ancestors that
traveled before them. Just as Yehosua Mashiach is tied to Mary/God and
Obatala and Oshun to Olodumare, these troikas theosophically tie me to all
humanity. Oh yes, I am:
Inclined to be irenically humble, having heroic potential with the propensity
of hellish proclivity in the face of injustice. I am:
Tacitly reserved, yet tenaciously assured. I am:
You and you are I... Do you know who I am? Do you know who you are? I
am who I say I am... and you can be whoever you say you are.
Be good to you. Because when you are... you can’t help but be good to me.
Listen to SOREN LIT's interview with Dr. Dionne Bates here:
D. Dionne Bates, PhD, LPC, CPCS is a licensed professional counselor in private
practice who holds a B.A. in Sociology (with emphasis in deviant behavior), an M.A. in
Counseling Psychology, and a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. In clinical practice almost 20 years,
Dr. Bates has observed that the root of many individuals’ emotional and psychological distress is
their inability to integrate their “true” selves into various realms of their lives. The author of the
Self-SOULstice Model of Affirmation, Dr. Bates works with her clients to help them reach
optimal mental health by affirming self, affirming others, and living authentically. Website:https://drdbates.com